Feb 13Liked by Stephanie Gail Eagleson

Gl(a)d you're back in writing for you and us.

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Thanks, friend!

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Feb 12Liked by Stephanie Gail Eagleson

I so look forward to reading what you'll share, Steph. Sending love to you and cheering you on! <3

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Thank you so much, sweet friend!

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I love this! Thank you. I’m a trauma-survivor, Christian nerd, compulsive editor, writer, blogger on WordPress (began years before Substack was invented), my skin is worn threadbare in many places, my eyes sometimes feel like they will fall out with weeping, but somehow I keep going even though few want to listen.

I’ve never been diagnosed as on the spectrum, but who knows? However, I think my tics and oddities can probably be attributed to my C-PTSD.

Bless you sister 🥰

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I've followed and appreciated your work for a long time, Barbara, and grieved for your pain. Welcome! I hope you find some sanctuary here.

Funny story--I was in therapy for 2 or 3 years before my therapist tilted her head at me and said, "You know, we've been working from the assumption that your tics and triggers are all a result of trauma. But now that I think of it, you might have autism at play, too." There was precedent for this: autism runs in my family. I learned a lot about how ASD and C-PTSD can reinforce/play off of each other. It makes sense the more you learn about how each of them work. I'm so grateful I had someone who could walk alongside me as we navigated both!

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